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The viewpoint of Las Rotas in Denia

Discover the natural beauty of the bay of Denia and the cape of San Antonio from the Las Rotas viewpoint in Denia. A journey through the panoramic views that can be enjoyed from this lookout point located on a cliff that rises above the sea.

The viewpoint of Las Rotas in Denia
Categories Locations,Costa Blanca
24 Feb, 2023

What is the viewpoint of Las Rotas?

The Las Rotas viewpoint in Denia is, as its name suggests, a viewpoint located on this rocky beach (Platja de Les Rotes in Valencian) in Denia, which covers the southern part of the coast of the city and offers spectacular panoramic views of the southern part of Denia and the cliffs of San Antonio's cape.

How to get to the Las Rotas viewpoint?

Cala Las Rotas
Aerial shot of Las Rotas cove, with the car park on the right.

The viewpoint is located at the end of Calle Vía Láctea, on the beach of Las Rotas in Denia. Normally the number 16 of this street appears as its address, but the reality is that this number corresponds to a villa in the street and not to the viewpoint.

To get to the Las Rotas viewpoint, we must first reach the Cala de Las Rotas. Getting here is very simple and the road is enchanting, as you will be surrounded at all times by the greenery of the vegetation and the luxury villas in the area. If you don't have a car, you can take the L1 bus from Esplanada Cervantes in Denia, which will leave you very close to Cala de las Rotas in half an hour. If you come by car, we will arrive first at the promenade of the port of Denia and always leaving the sea on our left, we will drive in the direction of Cabo de San Antonio until we reach the Punta Negra car park, as this section is known from Las Rotas cove. This car park has 45 spaces, so on a summer day it can be difficult to find a free space.

Torre del Gerro
The Gerro Tower, always visible all along the route

The way, as we say, is very simple since it is a straight road, the CV736, until the end of it. The car park located at the end of the road is also the starting point of the hiking route that leads to the Cova Tallada, a route that we highly recommend. The best way to get to the Las Rotas viewpoint is to first skirt the restaurant located in the parking area, until you reach Calle Vía Láctea. If you continue to the end of this street, you will find the slope that leads to the Torre del Gerro. A little further on we have the Las Rotas viewpoint, from where we will get beautiful views of the Mediterranean. In total, from the Las Rotas parking area, it does not take more than 1 hour to make the round trip to the viewpoint.

The views from the viewpoint of Las Rotas

Mirador de Las Rotas
Views of Cala Las Rotas from the lookout point

One of the main features of the Las Rotas viewpoint is its location on a cliff that rises above the sea, giving panoramic views of the entire coastline and the surrounding landscape. From here, you can enjoy fantastic views of the cliffs as far as the cape of San Antonio on one side and of the southern part of the town of Denia, with all its coves on the other side.

Viewpoint of Las Rotas towards Cap Sant Antoni
Viewpoint of Las Rotas towards San Antonio cape

In addition to the breathtaking panoramic views, the viewpoint of Las Rotas is also an excellent place to watch the sunset. As the sun sets, the mountains are filled with reddish tones and the shadows lengthen, creating a magical and romantic atmosphere.

Mountain at the viewpoint of las rotas
Sunset at the viewpoint of Las Rotas

The Las Rotas to Cova Tallada hiking route

Cova Tallada
Cova Tallada from the inside

This is undoubtedly one of the best hiking routes in the whole province of Alicante, due to its relatively low difficulty and the rewarding views that we will have all the way concluding in the visit to the Cova Tallada.

La Cova Tallada (which means Cut Cave in Valencian) is a natural treasure located in the picturesque surroundings of the Montgó Natural Park, nestled in the Cabo San Antonio Marine Reserve. It is a cave. It has some parts flooded, which serve as a natural pool for visitors. It is made up of rough stone and it is thought that it could have been inhabited, or at least had some habitual activity, in Moorish times.

It is also possible to reach it by kayak and go on caving excursions, since the cave has a considerable depth to be able to enjoy this sport.

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