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NIE Number Spain. How to get NIE in Spain

If you are from outside Spain and want to buy a house in this country, you have probably heard of this identification document. Do you want to know how to obtain the NIE? We will tell you how.

NIE Number Spain. How to get NIE in Spain
Categories Help
11 Oct, 2022

What is NIE number in Spain?

NIE stands for "Número de Identidad de Extranjero" (Foreigner's Identity Number). In other words, it is the tax identification number for foreigners in Spain.

Why do I need a NIE number in Spain?

The NIE is a document that will allow you to prove that you live legally in Spain and, therefore, to be able to carry out any contractual activity in Spanish territory, among others:

  • Buying a home in Spain
  • Buying a car in Spain
  • Taking out insurance in Spain
  • Opening a bank account in Spain
  • Doing your tax return in Spain

In other words, if you are thinking of living in Spain, you will absolutely need the NIE to take any step in the right direction.

What documents do I need to submit when applying for the NIE number?

When applying for the NIE, the following documents must be presented and filled:

Cost of NIE number in Spain

The fees for applying for an NIE number in Spain are usually the same. The fee to be paid is the one corresponding to the Form 790 Code 012.

The fee for applying for an NIE number for the first time is 9.64 euros in 2023.

It should also be noted that these fees may vary depending on the Autonomous Community in which the procedure is carried out and on how it is carried out (in person, by post, etc.).

How to get NIE Spain from UK?

The common method of obtaining the NIE is through the Spanish consulate in your country of origin. If, for example, you are from the United Kingdom, you will need to go to the Spanish consulate in London.

Consulate of Spain in London

Spanish Consulate General
20 Draycott Place
London SW3 2RZ

Once the fees have been paid and the application has been made, the consulate will inform you of the next step, which is normally to send these documents to the General Commissariat for Immigration and Borders and wait a few weeks for them to send us by post the precious NIE and proof of non-residence in Spain.

Method 2: Granting a power of attorney to a legal advisor in Spain

If you are in Spain, the power of attorney is the easiest way to obtain the NIE. Basically, it consists of granting legal validity to a legal advisor, gestoría or lawyer to act on your behalf before a notary. Not only can you grant a power of attorney to obtain the NIE, but you can also grant it for the contract of sale of a property. It costs around €100, depending on the notary's office.

How can I get the NIE number online?

If the power of attorney is the easiest method, then applying for NIE Spain online and going to a police station in Spain to obtain the NIE is the cheapest method, but perhaps also the least straightforward, as it involves a little bit more of red tape.

You can make an appointment to apply for a NIE at this link.

The form is only available in Spanish, but don't worry, here's a little guide on how to fill it in.

  • PROVINCIAS DISPONIBLES (AVAILABLE PROVINCES): Select the corresponding province (e.g. Alicante). Click on OK.
  • OFICINA (OFFICE): Choose the office for which you wish to make an appointment.
  • TRÁMITES OFICINAS DE EXTRANJERÍA (PROCEDURES AT FOREIGNERS' OFFICES): Unless you wish to make an appointment for any additional services, you do not need to fill in this field.
  • After reading the documentation we have to submit, previously mentioned in this post, we click on ENTRAR.
  • On the next page, fill in the information with your Passport, Name and surname, Year of birth and Country of origin, respectively. It is important that the details appear exactly the same as in your original passport, otherwise the NIE appointment will be cancelled.

    • NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS (NAME AND SURNAME): Enter your name and surname as it appears in your passport.
    • AÑO DE NACIMIENTO (YEAR OF BIRTH): fill in the year of your birth.
    • PAIS DE NACIONALIDAD (COUNRTY OF ORIGIN): Enter your nationality.

  • Click in ACEPTAR.
  • On the following page, you can manage your NIE application appointments. As this is the first time we ask for it, we click on SOLICITAR CITA (REQUEST APPOINTMENT)
  • Sometimes it happens that no appointments are available (En este momento no hay citas disponibles (No appointments available at the moment). In this case, we advise you to choose another police office or try again on a Monday morning at around 08:00, as this is when new appointments are usually scheduled.
  • If appointments are available, select the desired date and click NEXT.
  • Now confirm the appointment by ticking the checkbox I AGREE WITH THE INFORMATION DISPLAYED ON THE SCREEN. Also tick the checkbox to receive the appointment confirmation by e-mail I WISH TO RECEIVE AN EMAIL WITH MY APPOINTMENT DETAILS and click CONFIRM.
  • Remember to print out the proof of the appointment, as without it you will not be able to obtain the NIE at the time of the face-to-face appointment.
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